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7 レッスン

Let’s Listen and Sing Face-to-Face

This project is called"Let's sing familiar songs face-to-face with Tagawa! "(1) Stretch with Tagawa to make your voice easier to sing!(2) Breath training together to make your breath flow smoothly and your voice come out easily!(3) Vocal exercises using the method of Maestro Silvestro at Teatro alla Scala in Milan!(4) Practice of lyrics with stage speech!(5) Sing a whole song while expressing your feelings!This is such a lesson! 1.Musica proibita (Japanese) 2.『いのちの歌(Inochi no Uta)』Song of Life 3.『貝殻の歌(Kaigara no Uta)』Song of Shells 4.『Believe』 5.『そこにあなたがいてくださることは(Sokoni Anataga Itekudasarukotoha)』That you will be there. 6.Mini Presentation 7.Extra 『心の瞳(Kokoro no Hitomi)』Eyes of the Heart
12 レッスン

“Messiah Sung Vocally!!” Online Live Lesson♪

This is a project to practice Handel's Messiah in online live lessons and sing it in an online live performance^^V The explanation was given with emphasis on singing vocally.The online live performance was recorded every week.The audio and video are of higher quality and more realistic than YouTube because of the condenser microphone and video camera.Only the first session is available for free.If you would like to participate, please create an account and join us ♪
8 レッスン

Free 3step Lesson

This is a 3-step explanation of TreB (Trevi), a method originally developed by Riho Tagawa based on the singing methods of Maestro Silvestro Sammaritano of La Scala in Milan and Maestro Yoshiaki Iwabuchi , Professor Emeritus of Kunitachi College of Music.It is free of charge, but it will change the conventional wisdom of how to sing♪ It is not unscientific, but it is based on the traditional method of the golden age of Milan's Teatro Alla Scala, the world's greatest opera house, so you can try it with confidence.It is recommended for those who want to have a beautiful voice that resonates far and wide, those
5 レッスン

Vocal exercises for pre-chorus warm-up

In response to many requests, we have created a pre-chorus warm-up video 🎵.You can easily warm up while walking, on the train, or on the move!You can use this video anytime and anywhere, such as on the way to a lesson or before chorus practice, to avoid throat pain (⌒▽⌒) ☆Caution.The image is in the form of a DVD, but it is not a DVD.It is available for viewing at the online membership site.
11 レッスン

Honka Reiwa 4 fiscal year (2022)

This is a monthly group lesson for Honka members ♪
14 レッスン

Honka Reiwa 5 fiscal year (2023)

This is a monthly group lesson for Honka members ♪
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Oro Reiwa 5 fiscal year (2023)

This is a monthly group lesson for Oro Plus members ♪
9 レッスン

Oro Reiwa 4 fiscal year (2022)

This is a monthly group lesson for Oro Plus members ♪
3 レッスン

Pre TreB

It comes with a pre-course in Tre-B (Trevi), a method originally developed by Riho Tagawa based on the singing methods of Maestro Silvestro and Maestro Iwabuchi.Body, Breath, and Bel Canto are the foundation for creating a beautiful, resonant voice that is unique to the individual.Before you go out into the ocean of world song, you will learn what you cannot do without and discover a voice that is uniquely yours.
1 レッスン

The “SCARA Routine,” which helps you learn how to sing correctly just by doing it every day.

Stretching and exercises that can be done on a daily routine, covering everything necessary for singing, learned directly from Mr. Silvestro, soloist and head of the Soloist Training Institute at La Scala in Milan.Just imitate them, move your body, and you are ready to sing.It is also a natural way to learn how to use your body for singing♪You can get its casual and stranger versions.The going-away version will be provided after the shoot.You can use whichever one you prefer, and choose between a firm or relaxed feeling while exercising.
12 レッスン

Online live lesson of “Singing the Ninth Vocally”

Please don't think that I'm not interested in the Ninth because I'm a veteran singer or because I can memorize the score perfectly!I will give you my unique perspective as a vocalist from the viewpoint of voice and pronunciation~~~o(^▽^)oI have been teaching chorus for more than 20 years,This lecture is a live commentary by Riho Tagawa, who has been active as a choral instructor and soloist for more than 20 years!You will be able to sing, laugh, and understand deeply while singing.
3 レッスン

That’s the deal !! Don’t be afraid to speak the ninth German ♪

This course will be taught by Riho Tagawa, who has been active as a chorus instructor and soloist for more than 20 years, and will bring to you the essence of the German language passed down from Dr. Yoshiaki Iwabuchi, the representative of the Nikikai German Song Study Group♪By learning the difficult German language, you will be able to sing without hesitation in the performance, concentrate more on the music, express yourself beautifully, and sing to your heart's content.
2 レッスン

『Italy and Music』 Kigahon!? Classical Music & Opera Extra edition

Conductor Fumihiro Shimizu will introduce us to places related to music as if we were traveling through Italy♪Enjoy the music, learn something new, or laugh at a few jokes.Please enjoy this new age opera lecture that is not textbook-like, but will remain in your head and heart.You will be able to enjoy your trip to Italy from a new perspective by naturally connecting Italian sights and music.Please feel free to enjoy it while looking at the map.
5 レッスン

TreB Super Super Super Basic Course

Tre in TreB means 3, and the 3 B's are the origin of the name of the TreB system.You will learn the following 3 B's.1.Breath2.Body3.Bel CantoThese three are the three points that we must pay attention to.Breath is the element that determines 70-80% of singing, and Mr. Silvestro of Teatro alla Scala in Milan says it is the most important.The body is a resonant instrument, and the way you use it affects your vocal color.Bel Canto trains students how to speak when expressing, and learn how to make it more resonant and reach the heart.
27 レッスン

Riho Tagawa’s Songs & Secret Footage

Riho Tagawa's Songs & Secret Footage
2 レッスン

RiMario Concert Special Offer Included R3-2-19

When you think of a classical concert, you think of...,prestigious, ostentatious, formal, and reserved.But, RiMario's concert and talk show is different from those!RiMario's concert and talk show is a world apart!The two singers are trained in the traditional Italian singing style, while laughing and having fun at the same time.Their soft, light-hearted talk is combined with their core singing voice, which has a hot, passionate Latin blood.Both of them are Italian lovers and will offer you a very heartwarming and peaceful time.The theme of this year's concert is "Love and Prayer".A digest of Italian opera commentary by conductor Fumihiro Shimizu will be included as a bonus.
4 レッスン

Maestro Yoshiaki Iwabuchi, Professor Emeritus, Kunitachi College of Music “What is Singing?

I feel that deep culture and sensitivity are necessary to truly feel the joy and pleasure of singing.This will also affect the singing voice.If we focus only on technique, singing, which was intended to be a joy and pleasure of growth, will become a tool for competition and evaluation, whether we are doing well or not, whether we are better or not.This is not a fun thing to do.We believe that asking experts not only about their skills but also about their mentality and enjoyment will help us to enjoy life more.
2 レッスン

La Scala Bridge1 Milan’s La Scala tradition of craftsmanship for the future 『budding』 First Gala Concert

The world's most prestigious theater, La Scala in Milan.You can learn the secret of singing is talking, which he discovered through his long years of singing and education.You will be able to hear live bel canto singing that does not rely on the voice but on the sound.The pianist is also wonderful.Even if you don't know much about classical music, you can suddenly become a classical music connoisseur by listening to the conductor's classical commentary before the performance.
3 レッスン

Sachiko Hongo, Former Director of Setagaya Seibo Kindergarten “What is Education? ”〜From my experience of educational service in Haiti〜

How did Sachiko Hongo, a Sister and founder of Our Lady of Setagaya Kindergarten, educate children in Haiti who did not have easy access to education, and how did she serve as a Sister?Riho Tagawa will interview her about her experiences.