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『Händel Messiah Commentary』by Maestro Shimizu Fumihiro Kigahon!? Classical Music & Opera

History of Handel Messiah and commentary on the music. Kigahon!? Classics aims to make it easy to enjoy authentic classical...

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79 students
Last updated 2024-03-26

History of Handel Messiah and commentary on the music. Kigahon!? Classics aims to make it easy to enjoy authentic classical music, and conductor Fumihiro Shimizu provides enjoyable and easy-to-understand commentary.Shimizu currently provides MET opera commentary and previously served as a lecturer at the Agency for Cultural Affairs’ Opera Research Institute. He has a reputation for providing unprecedented commentary that is fun and full of knowledge that you may not have heard before, while also taking amateur perspectives into consideration.

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Riho Tagawa Instructor